Monday, July 26, 2010

We interrupt this sporadic blogging...

I'm not ignoring you.  I promise.  We're kind of in the middle of some renovations and I'm finding myself doing a lot of pondering and measuring and purchasing and figuring-out and math.  Yup.  Math.

There you go.  You're going to have nightmares now, aren't ya?  Don't worry - that plastic/tuck tape get up in the bathtub is just temporary so we can continue to bathe while the rest of the work progresses (bathing in this 27C heat is a good thing...mandatory, even). 

I've got about $300 worth of plumbing fittings and doodads in my car as we speak and there is another $500 worth of plumbing fixtures lying around the second floor, waiting for us to get off our duffs and get to work.  'Cept I'm AFEARED to start!  AFEARED, I say!* 

City Boy has a cold and I'm at work all week, so this ought to get interesting...  If you don't hear from me for the next little bit, don't be concerned - I've just probably had a nervous breakdown and have moved out to the tent in the backyard, turning my back on modern society in the process.

*Did I mention that this is our only washroom?  No other toilets in our house...  Hence my fear.  What if something explodes?

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